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Keep it traditional No, new stuff is yummy
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 No, new stuff is yummy (3)

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ehawkins(408) pic

Non-traditional foods

Keep it traditional

Side Score: 0

No, new stuff is yummy

Side Score: 3
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1 point

Peanut butter on a hamburger is often overlooked. Once you try something new you said you might not like, and now do, you feel a little silly. But by trying something and still not liking it, at least now you know. Peanut butter can make many things better because it has its own good, overwhelming taste.

Side: No, new stuff is yummy
1 point

Have you ever wanted to try something different. Like putting mayo in coffee. Some people may think combinations of new foods will help expand your horizons. Maybe you think you don't like pineapple on pizza, but have you ever tried it. It could be delicious for all you know.

Side: No, new stuff is yummy
1 point

Why not change up something traditional? Many new foods are discovered this way. For example pregnancy cravings can be crazy. No, they may not be the appealing according to some people but if you like it there is no point having to keep it traditional. We all have our own opinion on different foods.

Side: No, new stuff is yummy