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ehawkins(408) pic

Should you have art credits to graduate?


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 8
1 point

I think that 2 years of art should be required. It makes you an overall more academic and well-rounded student. It also allows you to try things you thought you wouldn't like. Trying stuff in high school can also make you more willing to try things out in the future. I think that it should be required so that you aren't closed off to new things.

Side: Yes
hannahd217(4) Disputed
1 point

So why not also be required to take a shop class or a business class? Why does it have to be art? I believe just enforcing the art requirement can influence a lot of students into believing that art is more important than other classes.

Side: No
1 point

I definitely agree that if art credit is required to graduate then there should also be other classes that should be required too. There are other skills that are just as important if not more important to learn than art. I think that this can also draw kids away from what they actual might enjoy doing.

Side: No
1 point

Art credits in high school help students in many ways. These include: more creativity, better hand eye coordination, and problem solving skills. For example, if paint spills all over a project you've been working on for weeks, you have to figure out a way to make it work by being creative. Hand eye coordination helps in many aspects of a student's life, not just in the arts. This is evident in many sports, such as football, tennis or volleyball. Improved hand-eye coordination developed in the arts helps you be more productive and successful in sports too.

Side: Yes
1 point

I think you should have to have an art credit to graduate. I think that it is important to at least have a little bit of experience in art and learn what it is like to be creative even if you are not into art. Not only would this give people a chance to bring out their creative side but also learn the basics of art and possibly important things to use in life. Such as memorizing the color wheel, learn different shapes, etc.

Side: Yes
1 point

You should be required to take art credits to graduate. Taking one year of choir, band, or just an art class is not hard to do. Some people could argue that taking an art credit could take the place of a class you want to take more but as a freshman (the age of most people taking the only art credits required for them to graduate), you don't get much choice in your classes anyway.

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes, it should be required. It's proven that students involved in more things, get better grades. They have less opportunites to occupy their time with bad things. Two years of art credits can help you be more creative. Occupying your time with other credits instead of a study hall can also help you manage your time. Therefore, you can learn how to manage your time.

Side: Yes
1 point

Some may argue that they aren't interested in doing art or they aren't good at it. But doing an art class is not just about drawing or painting. You gain a lot of skills for example motor and problem solving skills. These skills help you in the long run.

Side: Yes
1 point

I think that art classes should be required. These classes are simple and could possibly help people relax. For example, someone might find it very therapeutic to go to art class and paint. It is proven that people in art classes such as art, choir, or band have higher GPAs and a lower dropout rate.

Side: Yes
1 point

I feel that having art credits to graduate should be necessary. If you are required to take an art class to graduate this could expand your horizon to new things. You might think you are not into art, but if you try the class you may be surprised and end up wanting to do it for your career. Knowing that you may go into an art heavy career, but without taking that art class for a required credit you would have never known that you liked it.

Side: Yes
1 point

Doing at least one year of art credits can be good to help you function better. An art credit has been linked to higher school engagement. It also has shown other positive cognitive, social, and behavior outcomes.

Side: Yes
1 point

I think that you should not be required to take an art class in high school. It feels like a very biased requirement, as there are no requirements stating that a student needs to take a shop class, or even a business class. Why is art more important to be able to graduate, rather than personal finance? I believe that art is completely subjective, and some people just don't like the topic and would not enjoy the class.

Side: No
1 point

I don't think that there should be a requirement for an art credit because it isn't a very prestigious course. It is more of a fun class and shouldn't be required to graduate. I think you can fill up with other more important classes instead of having to take an art class. So no this should not be required.

Side: No
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

How do you determine prestige of a class? Aren't there things that can be learned through art? You can learn that about mistakes and about risk taking. Art is something that can be calming.

Side: Yes
1 point

Art is very creative for the people who like it, but it can also be a waste of time. If someone doesn't like Art why would they have to sit there and suffer through the class. They would be more likely to mess around in class and disrupt others who are trying to work. Also what if someone isn't talented in Art, it will just make them feel bad about themselves. This is also not important for college, and you could take a class that actually benefits you instead of Art.

Side: No
kelanie24(3) Disputed
1 point

just because someone gets told they're bad at art, it's never truly a fact. art is subjective. just because it looks bad to someone, it may look like it belongs in the Louvre to somebody else. additionally, art is creatively stimulating for everyone as long as they are willing to get involved in it.

Side: Yes
1 point

I think that needing art credits shouldn't be required since most people just take concert choir or concert band. Since you only need one year of art credits to graduate some students will just take one year of concert choir and then just drop it the next year. Doing concert choir is easy credits, but shouldn't be neccessary.

Side: No
1 point

i dont think you should have to have an art credit to graduate. what makes an art credit so important? you should be able to take a class youd rather be in instead. there are other classes you could take to better your future. like learning how to do your finances and cooking.

Side: No
1 point

I think that every kid should have a certain amount of art credits to graduate. The arts help to make people a more well rounded person. Joining the arts will make you branch out and find new things that you may like. Having experience with things you don't like will also help you grow as a human being.

Side: No