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Yes. No, keep it 21.
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:22
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 Yes. (13)
 No, keep it 21. (9)

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ehawkins(408) pic

The legal drinking age should be 18.


Side Score: 13

No, keep it 21.

Side Score: 9
1 point

I think it would make sense to lower it because people are going to drink at this age anyway. Also when you are 18 you turn into an adult so you should be able to drink. When you are an adult you will hopefully be more responsible.

Side: Yes.
hannahd217(4) Disputed
1 point

Most people, at the age of 18, still have the mindset of a teenager. When you turn 18, you just don't become more mature automatically. Teenagers are worse at making good decisions, so why should we lower the drinking age? This just encourages more bad decisions for people who's brains still haven't full developed. What makes an adult (18) significantly a better decision maker and more responsible than a teenager (17).

Side: No, keep it 21.
Eann(3) Disputed
1 point

Although some may drink anyway keeping the age at 21 makes it a lot harder for under aged kids to get their hands on alcohol. No law will be 100ïfective but having the age at 21 prevents a lot of under aged drinking by making it harder for kids to get. Also, your brain isn't fully developed at 18 so you may not actually be more responsible.

Side: No, keep it 21.
maciemoore06(3) Disputed
1 point

Lowering this could be very dangerous. Yes, we can have hope that it would make them more responsible and aware of what they are doing considering they are now an adult and can do as they please but it is not safe. Most students go to college after high school and this would encourage college students to not care about getting caught. So this law would be supporting college parties. Not only does this apply to college students but lots of students turn 18 before high school is over and this would also encourage more students in high school to take part in it since all their friends are.

Side: No, keep it 21.
1 point

Most every country has a drinking age of 18 but that is also when you get your license. If you bring the drinking age down to 18 in America, then you should also bring the age you get your license up to 18. If bringing the age down something should be affected by it. Because if they are lowering the age there might be more effects on people if they change the age. So if you get your licenses later too you might be smarter with your choices.

Side: Yes.
1 point

The legal age should be lowered for a few reasons. One reason is although it can be harmful if you are 18, it is still harmful to you and your body when you are 21. A couple of years could change people's thinking process because their brain is more developed, but if they're gonna do it at all, they most likely won't wait until they're 21.

Side: Yes.
1 point

I agree with this statement, most kids are going to drink no matter what the legal age is. Drinking is harmful to your body no at any age. Although your brain isn't developed, teenagers will still decide to drink.

Side: Yes.
1 point

At 18 you can smoke, buy a car, but you cant drink. It doesn't make sense why you as a legal adult can't drink but you can vote. I can see where the risks are to the younger drinking age but there are risks in teens driving, there are risks in smoking. There are risks in everything but if we trust someone at 18 to contribute to who runs our country, we should be able to trust them with being able to drink. At 18 you can be bartender and serve alcohol, but you can't drink yourself.

Side: Yes.
1 point

I agree with madyson in many ways. Alcohol can negatively affect you at any age. If you're an alcoholic even at 50+ your liver can fail. It is dangerous. Kids who desperately want it will do about anything just to get it in their hands. Yes while 21, may limit it a little bit, its not going to restrict a whole lot.

Side: Yes.
1 point

I believe that the drinking age should be dropped to 18 because as soon as you turn 18 you are considered a legal adult. It does not make sense that at 18 you can sign up for/join the military and vote but you cannot drink. I also believe that lowering the drinking age would make people less likely to participate in unsafe drinking activities. I also believe that lowering the age would diminish the thrill of breaking the law by drinking underage.

Side: Yes.
1 point

I believe that you should be able to legally drink at 18 because you can make other much worse life changes decisions than getting drunk every day. Most European countries have their legal drinking age set at 16 and some even as young as 14. In the U.S it is actually legal to drink at your parents house with them it is only illegal in a public setting for under 21's to drink.

Side: Yes.
1 point

I think the legal drinking age should most definitely be 18. The main reason it should be is, because the age you become an adult is 18. If you are able to fight in the military for your country you should be able to drink. There are already a substantial number of people who drink underage, about 15% of kids ages 12 to 20. The legal age to drink is 18 in many other countries too. Lowering it to 18 would also create a much safer drinking environment.

Side: Yes.
1 point

the legal drinking age should be lowered to 18. you turn to an adult at 18, and you should be able to make those type of decisions. there are multiple responsibilities that you gain when you become an adult. many other countries have the legal drinking age to 18. if you can vote you should be able to drink.

Side: Yes.
1 point

I think that the legal drinking age should be moved to 18 because at this age you become an adult. If you are able to buy things like cigarettes and vapes at 18, then you should be able to drink as well. Many people already drink at this age and if it is lowered it might help people not be so risky because many people try to hide this and find themselves in trouble when they get caught. I think if you are 18 you should be responsible enough to drink if you are also allowed to do other things like smoking.

Side: Yes.
1 point

If you are old enough to vote, drive, smoke, etc, then you should be able to consume alcohol as well. In many other countries the drinking age is 18 as well as the driving age which makes sense. Lowering the age could make illegal drinking go down as people wouldn't have to wait until the age of 21 to drink.

Side: Yes.
1 point

Alcohol is a very dangerous substance. It has been scientifically proven that alcohol significantly decreases decision making skills, and can have very bad side affects. Sure, some people may argue that it's "fun" and "not that big of a deal", but it is. People under the age of 21 have minds that are still developing, and alcohol can cause your brain to develop at a slower pace, or maybe not finish developing at all. Most teenagers are not the best with decision making, and alcohol just truly makes good-decision extremely hard.

Side: No, keep it 21.
1 point

Drinking can have bad effects on your health and on your brain. Changing the drinking age to 18 means that people can end up getting health issues earlier in their life. Being able to drink younger can have an effect on your brain development since your brain is not fully developed at 18.

Side: No, keep it 21.
Isabelle0110(4) Disputed
1 point

The drinking age doesn't dictate what age people actually drink. There is also a law that says you can drink in your parent's house under the age of 21 with them present. Therefore, it is not protecting the youth and their health. The brain is not fully developed until 25, so keeping it at 21 will not protect their health.

Side: Yes.
1 point

I do not think the legal drinking age should be lowered in fact I think it should be raised. According to a study done by the University of Rochester humans brains aren't fully developed until about 25. While some may say that drinking while your brain is still developing has little or no impact, studies show that it has a negative effect. This is why I believe the legal drinking age should actually be increases not decreased.

Side: No, keep it 21.
1 point

I agree. Any form of alcohol/tobacco should have the legal age raised. People's frontal lobes already don't develop in time to make big decisions like where to go to college or vote, so why should a substance that hinders the brain's performance be lowered when it should be raised?

Side: No, keep it 21.
1 point

The drinking age should be left at 21 years old because studies show that your brain isn't finished developing until then.The part of your brain that develops last is the same part that can be affected by drinking alcohol at an early age. Allowing people to start drinking at the age of 18 can lower their ability to make smart decisions. Along with lowering the ability to make smart decisions, it also lower the ability to sense danger.

Side: No, keep it 21.
1 point

Drinking has many bad side effects, such as impaired brain function, liver disease, and other problems. Now when you take those side effects and apply them to someone who is under the legal drinking age, they can cause even more problems. Even the current legal drinking age is too young--human brains are not fully developed until the late 20's. This is why the drinking age should NOT be lowered--it should be raised, if anything.

Side: No, keep it 21.