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Yes, you need it. No, it's a waste.
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:22
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 Yes, you need it. (7)
 No, it's a waste. (14)

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ehawkins(408) pic

You should have two years of a foreign language to graduate.

Yes, you need it.

Side Score: 8

No, it's a waste.

Side Score: 14
1 point

Yes, you should be required to have two years of a foreign language. Not only will you learn another language, but it could help you in the future with communication. Knowing a foreign language can help you understand someone during an occupation if they don't speak your language, but you know theirs.

Side: Yes, you need it.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
1 point

Will two years be enough to learn the language? It seems like an arbitrary number, and also, in the US, we take the foreign language so late that is makes it harder to learn. Wouldn't it be a better use of our time to have no requirement but make it something students learn earlier?

Side: No, it's a waste.
1 point

The best place to start learning a language is elementary school or at a very young age (as it's easier to catch on) but starting in high school can work just as well. Knowing more than just English can help another part of the world open up to you. All in all, taking a foreign language class in high school is an easy hoop to jump through--whether or not you'll use it in the future is up to you. Having the opportunity to minor in said language in college is another super cool opportunity as well.

Side: Yes, you need it.
1 point

Having another language could be very helpful when you graduate and go to college, or just in real life. This can help connect with people not just from your culture. Some of the things that will improve include: memory, creativity, helps with new career opportunities. Overall, it will provide and create more opportunities than not having it.

Side: Yes, you need it.
1 point

learning a second language can help with many things. learning about other cultures and there ways of life. learning another language helps you with keeping your brain sharp. although im not sure you can learn all that with only two years of it; but it wont hurt you.

Side: Yes, you need it.
1 point

Yes, you need to have at least 2 years of a foreign language. Taking a foreign language not only can give a good grasp of how hard it can be to learn a foreign language but it can give you a better shot at studying abroad, and learning a foreign language can help with a future career. Such as teaching, translation and international business.

Side: Yes, you need it.
1 point

I don't think that it is necessary to have two years of a foreign language to graduate. Unless you are going to do something in your career that requires you to talk in a foreign language. I understand that it is helpful in case you encounter someone who speaks a different language, but it should be a choice. Some people who take these classes don't even remember anything that they learned about the language anyways, so why force them to take it if they aren't going to put in any effort.

Side: No, it's a waste.
ehawkins(408) Disputed
2 points

Don't you learn more analytical skills when you learn a second language? If memory is a component of making a class worthwhile, many people forget most of their math classes after high school. Is that something that is also not worthwhile? I would say no because it's not just about the subject, it's about what goes into the learning process.

Side: Yes, you need it.
1 point

I don't think you should be required to take two years of foreign language to graduate because I think a lot of people don't take it because they want to but because they have to in order to graduate. A lot of times people don't remember a lot of the information they learned in the class and you could be using that elective to take a different class that would help you out. I think many people having to take a foreign class probably don't remember it and typically aren't going to use it in the future. Instead of taking a class that many people might not want to take, you could be using that elective to take a class that will actually benefit you in the future.

Side: No, it's a waste.
1 point

I don't think that you should have two years of a foreign language because you might not use it after high school. It would be a waste of time having two years of it and you won't even use it. You should be able to have fun in high school and not have to worry about when you would have to take a foreign language class.

Side: No, it's a waste.
1 point

Taking a foreign language class for two years just to be able to graduate, is very forced. It's not something everyone is interested in. If it's a class that a student has no interest in, they're more than likely not going to try. That means less knowledge is retained from the class, and it's a waste of both the teacher and the students time. Making a student take a class that they do not want comes at the expense of other classes and opportunities that could benefit what they're wanting to do in the future.

Side: No, it's a waste.
1 point

You should not have to have two years of foreign language. This can take up a lot of time that you could spend on other classes that are more interesting to you. This can also be kind of pointless if you're never going to need to use another language. I also think that this can be pretty unfair to certain schools if they happen to not offer foreign language.

Side: No, it's a waste.
1 point

I do not think that university's should make you take two years of a foreign language. I think this because most students that take their foreign language classes will take them during their freshman and sophomore year or their sophomore and junior year. Being that, most students have their senior year without a foreign language and will just forget what they learned in the past years.

Side: No, it's a waste.
1 point

You should not need 2 years of foreign language to graduate. Because most places you visit will have English or whatever language you speak, learning a different language that you may never use in life. I took Spanish and I feel that I will never use it in my life because I plan to travel but when I travel the places. i will visit countries that will speak English.

Side: No, it's a waste.
Peyton5628(3) Disputed
1 point

I think you're wrong. I think even if you travel to these places where they speak some english, there will be people there that don't. You may be ordering from a place and they only speak a certain language. I also think it's just a good skilll to have.

Side: Yes, you need it.
1 point

I think that a second language should not be required by colleges. I think this because it limits the students ability to pick classes since they would get to choose one less that they actually would want to take. I believe that students perform better in classes they actually chose not in something they are required to take. Adding another required class would limit the students freedom thus in theory would hurt their academic performance.

Side: No, it's a waste.
1 point

I genuinely believe that this is an unnecessary skill to learn that most students forget after they leave the class that day. The only reason I believe that the reason that you should have to take it is if you plan to study in another country or just want to learn a different language. If you want to take a language class you should have the option to take it earlier than 9th grade.

Side: No, it's a waste.
1 point

I think that universities should not make you take two years of a foreign language in high school to be accepted by the university. According to a survey from Preply, around 30% of people will just forget their foreign language after they leave high school. This means that in 1000 people, 300 will forget the language when they leave high school. Making these classes a requirement does not make sense if you don't remember how to use the material from them.

Side: No, it's a waste.
1 point

While many people would argue that you should need two years of a foreign language to graduate I disagree, because I think if you truly want to learn a foreign language you need to learn it while you're young. If you take it for two years in high school you won't truly learn it, it's more just about learning it enough to get a good grade and then you just forget about it when you're done with needing that information. If you come to our school, there is no one here that is fluent in Spanish. Then, you look at people from foreign countries and a lot of those people are bilingual because they teach it at such a young age.

Side: No, it's a waste.
1 point

It would be helpful if we learned a foreign language when we were younger. But learning it in high school no longer gives the same benefit. If you're learning when you're younger it's just as easy as learning English. If your learning a new language in high school it's much more difficult to keep. Its not that you cant learn it, its that you are going to have a hard time remembering it.

Side: No, it's a waste.
1 point

2 years of foreign language should not be required to graduate. Most places you will go will speak english. If not there are always translators, if they are needed. Needing 2 years of a foreign language can waste credits for students when they are probably not even gonna use it. Therefore it is a waste in certain aspects in life.

Side: No, it's a waste.